High School Announcements
● High School Activities
o September 18-22-HOMECOMING WEEK—watch announcements for details
o Tuesday, September 19
▪ Homecoming parade 6:00
▪ Coronation/Community Pep Rally 7:00
▪ Queen’s tournament following Coronation/Pep Rally
o Thursday, September 21
▪ Volleyball @ home vs Hampton-Dumont-CAL 9th/10th & JV 6:00, V 7:30
o Friday, September 22
▪ Football @ home vs Hampton-Dumont-CAL 9th 4:30, V 7:00-Homecoming
o Saturday, September 23
▪ Ft. Dodge Marching Band Invitational
▪ Varsity Volleyball Tournament @ Spencer 9:00
o Monday, September 25
▪ Cross Country @ Algona 4:00
● Homecoming week is September 18-22. MONDAY: TUESDAY: Theme: Texas Tuxedo: Wear all denim and western wear. 6:00: Parade 7:00 / Following Parade: Community Pep Rally / Coronation *FREE WILL DONATION Queens Tournament following pep rally/coronation WEDNESDAY: Theme: Anything but a backpack: All school supplies can be carried by anything other than a backpack. Students may be asked to put their items in the hall or their lockers during class to limit distractions in the classroom. THURSDAY: Theme: Barbie & Ken: Dress like Barbie or Ken! Superfan @ Volleyball vs. Hampton/Dumont/CAL FRIDAY: Theme: Wildcat Wear: Wear BLUE & GOLD. Pep Assemblies Superfan for Football vs. Hampton/Dumont/CAL Homecoming Court Recognition at halftime Dodgeball Tournament following football game
● The Humboldt Dance Team will be hosting ‘fill the truck events’ over the next several weeks. ▪ Homecoming football game on September 22nd from 6-7:45pm we will be set up at the high school between the admission gate and concession stand. We will be collecting new and gently used clothing items and blankets for people in need. ▪ At all of these events, we will also have a bucket for monetary donations for local shelters.
● Those students interested in being part of the robotics team will meet Wednesday after school in the PLTW lab.
● Special Olympics attire can be ordered at the following link. Ordering deadline is September 25. https://personali-tees-humboldt-iowa.myshopify.com/collections/special-olympics-2023
● The senior group photo will be on Friday, September 29th during 8th period. Wear blue and gold.
● Picture Retake Day—September 28.
● Don’t miss out! Mrs. Myers is taking students to D-Day: England, France, and Germany in Summer 2024 – it is going to be an amazing adventure! Visit and make sure to register for the meeting TODAY to learn more: https://bit.ly/3RdtprM
● Cat Café is open on Fridays 7:20-8:45.
● Wildcat Warrior’s Game Club will meet every Monday and Thursday in the media center from 3:30-5:30. Bring a new game to teach or come and learn a new game. Many new games Gloomhaven, Marvel Dice Throne, Turing Machine, Sorcerer’s Arena and Her Story to name a few.. To join the REMIND, send a text to 81010 and text this message @3ce28be–Mr. Lauger and Mr. Doslund
● Hey, Wildcat Family! The Music Boosters are in need of help in the concession stand for 7-12 football season. Please sign up using the following link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YuaIJH4Prbnj15p4A06cLwytcxEocXP77zUbGtbfH4k/edit?usp=sharing
● Want to travel the world? Join Humboldt High School in 2025 on a trip to PANAMA. It will be an exciting adventure with lots of memories to be made. To check out all about the trip, click here. There will be an informational meeting in September. Watch your announcements for the meeting date and time! Any questions, please contact Mrs. Myers ( mmyers@humboldt.k12.ia.us ) at the high school.