High School Announcements
● High School Activities
o Friday, September 29
▪ Football @ Charles City 9th 4:30, V 7:00
o Saturday, September 30
▪ Algona Band Days-Parade @ 1:00 (middle school), Field Show @ 5:45 (middle school and high school)
o Monday, October 2
▪ JV Football @ home vs Charles City
o Tuesday, October 3
▪ Cross Country @ Eagle Grove 4:00
▪ Volleyball @ Ft. Dodge 9th/10th & JV 6:00, V 7:15
o Thursday, October 4
▪ Volleyball @ Iowa Falls-Alden 9th/10th & JV 6:00, V 87:15
o Friday, October 6
▪ Football @ Algona, 9th 4:30, V 7:00
o Saturday, October 7
▪ NCIBA Marching Band Festival
▪ Volleyball Tournament @ Mason City 8:30
● Seniors meet with Josten’s TODAY during CATS in the auditorium.
● There has been a change made to the time of the senior class photo today. Seniors will be dismissed at 1:55pm for the senior photo and must report to the cafeteria. You will hear an announcement when it is time.
● iJAG students will be selling cotton candy with the all of the proceeds going to Officer Cram’s family. The Cost of the Cotton Candy will be $4 for a big bag. Flavors available are vanilla, Blue Raspberry and Birthday Cake Flavors. We will sell the cotton candy after school until 3:45.
● JUNIORS: Are you ready to start planning 2024 prom? We are going to start meeting as a committee during CATS time. If you are a junior that is interested in fundraising, party planning and decorating, then we want you to join! Questions? Ask Mrs. Newton. Sign up by end of the day today.
● There is a sign up sheet for girls wrestling is in the office.
● Cat Café is open on Fridays 7:20-8:45.
● Wildcat Warrior’s Game Club will meet every Monday and Thursday in the media center from 3:30-5:30. Bring a new game to teach or come and learn a new game. Many new games Gloomhaven, Marvel Dice Throne, Turing Machine, Sorcerer’s Arena and Her Story to name a few.. To join the REMIND, send a text to 81010 and text this message @3ce28be–Mr. Lauger and Mr. Doslund
● Want to travel the world? Join Humboldt High School in 2025 on a trip to PANAMA. It will be an exciting adventure with lots of memories to be made. To check out all about the trip, click here. There will be an informational meeting in September. Watch your announcements for the meeting date and time! Any questions, please contact Mrs. Myers ( mmyers@humboldt.k12.ia.us ) at the high school.