Humboldt and Twin Rivers will be two hours late on Wednesday, February 19th due to the extreme cold. Dismissal will be at 3:15.

Humboldt Middle School Announcements 01-31-25

Humboldt Middle School


Friday, January 31, 2025

Good Morning Students and Staff

Today is a A Day and Angelfish day for band lessons

Lunch choices 

Pepperoni Pizza

BBQ Bacon Wrapped Hot Dog

Turkey Club Wrap

  1. 7th grade softball open gym is Sunday Feb 2 from 6-7 in the WAC
  1. There are no 5/6 grade lessons, today, Friday 1/31.
  1. Please turn in CAT cards today
  1. Congrats to the following student who will represent Humboldt at Middles and Music honor band this weekend: 

Jacob Miller

Elizabeth Carvajal

Jayden Erie

Andrew Armitage

Eli Studer

Embree Meyer

Janelle Kellner

Jocelyn Miller

Maddie Satern

Erika Lynch

Mia Tilton

Whitney Foth

  1. CAT CARDS: Prime Time Super Bowl challenge for the next 2 weeks. Turn in your CAT cards to earn spots on the scoreboard. If your PT wins the spot on the scoreboard, you get an Ice Cream Party!
  1. Girls State Wrestling shirt orders are due by Feb 2nd

Please stand and say the Pledge of Allegiance led by Sapphire, Mallory and Maddie

Attention Parents:

If your child has a fever today, they should not be at school tomorrow. If you had to give Tylenol or Motrin for a fever today, they should stay home from school tomorrow.

If you have to give them Tylenol or Motrin in the morning before school “to get them through the day”, then they should not go to school.

If your child has been vomiting or had diarrhea today, they should not be at school tomorrow.

There are several viruses circulating throughout our community right now. Please do not send your sick, still recovering from illness, feverish kid   school to infect the healthy students and staff! Thank you!

January 2025 MS Newsletter


Emergency Alerts via Infinite Campus


Radio : FM  97.7 – FM 94.5 – FM 96.9

TV: WHO-TV 13 – Channel 12 (City Channel)

Annual Nondiscrimination Notice

The Humboldt Community School District offers career and technical programs in the following service areas: (Agricultural, Business, Health Occupations, Family and Consumer Sciences, Industrial, and Marketing Education.)

“It is the policy of the Humboldt Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, age (for employment), sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status (for programs), socioeconomic status (for programs), national origin, disability, or religion in its educational programs and employment practices as required by the Iowa Code section 216.7. If you have questions or grievances related to compliance with this policy please contact the Humboldt Community School District, Michelle Thomas, Payroll/HR director, 401 13th St S  Humboldt, IA 50548; 515-332-1330,, or the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, 6200 Park Avenue, Ste 100, Des Moines, IA 50321-1270; phone number 515-281-4121, 800-457-4416; web site: or Director of the Office for Civil Rights, Chicago Office, U.S. Department of Education, John C. Kluczynski Federal Building, 230 S. Dearborn St, 37th Floor, Chicago, IL 60604, 312-730-1560-Fax 312-730-1576, ” 

Es la política del Distrito Escolar de la Comunidad de Humboldt no discriminar por motivos de raza , credo , color, edad ( para el empleo ) , sexo , orientación sexual , identidad de género , estado civil (por programas ) , nivel socioeconómico (por programas) , origen nacional , discapacidad o religión en sus programas educativos y prácticas de empleo como lo require la sección del código de Iowa 216.7 . Si tiene preguntas o quejas relacionadas con el cumplimiento de esta política por favor en contacto con el distrito Humboldt Comunidad Escolar Michelle Thomas, Payroll/HR Director, 401 13th St S  Humboldt, IA 50548 ; 515-332-1330, o la Comisión de Derechos Civiles de Iowa , 6200 Park Avenue, Ste 100, Des Moines, IA 50321-1270 ; número de teléfono 515-281-4121 , 800-457-4416 ; sitio web: o el Director de la Oficina de Derechos, Oficina Chicago, Civiles del Departamento de Educación de Estados Unidos, John C. Kluczynski Federal Building, 230 S. Dearborn St. 37th Floor, Chicago, IL 60604  mil-7,204 mil, 312-730- 1560 312-730-1576-Fax,