Nutrition and Wellness

IMG 0424

Humboldt Schools and Opaa strive to create and serve the highest-quality meals possible. With a staff of 15 Food Service Workers, Opaa serves about 1,000 meals district-wide a day. The enhancements in the lunchrooms make for a friendly and comfortable environment. Student, parent, and staff survey results drive the changes to make our program around! We invite parents to join us for lunch by letting school secretaries know before 9am on the day of.

All school meals meet federal nutrition standards by offering fruits and vegetables, serving whole grain-rich foods, and limiting fat, calories, and sodium.

Our meals meet the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Nutrition Standards, which require the following:

  • half the tray should be vegetables and fruits (1/2 cup servings of each)
  • age-appropriate calorie servings
  • a wide variety of vegetables, including dark green and red/orange vegetables and legumes
  • fat-free flavored and unflavored, and plain 1% milk
  • increasing whole-grain-rich products
  • less sodium
  • zero trans fats

Upcoming Meetings

SIAC Meeting Date: TBA

School Wellness Policy Meeting: TBA

Nutrition and Wellness Policies

Wellness and Nutrition Contacts

Heather Nielsen

Heather Nielsen

Health Teacher, District Food Service Liaison and Wellness Coordinator 515-332-1430 Humboldt High School, Humboldt Middle School
Melinda Busick

Melinda Busick

Opaa Food Service Director 515-332-3574 ext. 6207, Humboldt High School