Humboldt Schools
The Humboldt Community School District (HCSD) provides a stellar educational
program. Student achievement continues to be above the state trajectories at all
grade levels and in all academic areas. As well as a strong academic focus, the
district has a system in place to support the students’ social-emotional needs.
HCSD serves approximately 1,500 students. The district’s 200 square miles
encompass Humboldt, Dakota City, Hardy, Rutland, Unique, and Renwick.
Through a whole-grade sharing agreement, students from Bode and Livermore
attend HCSD in grades 6-12. HCSD’s excellent reputation for high academic
achievement and its extracurricular activities is responsible for drawing
approximately 200 students from area communities through open enrollment.
“Learning and Success for All” is not just a logo but also a belief. Continuous
school improvement is a must as the district strategically gathers input from
students, parents, staff, and community members. Student safety and connectivity
with the school are critical to school success.
Strategic Priorities
Provide a safe, nurturing, and drug-free environment
for all.
• Devoted time and support for socio-emotional learning, including mental health
awareness and checkpoints.
• Inviting buildings with high leadership visibility
• Professional learning and support for all staff, including teachers, associates,
activity sponsors, and coaches.
• Foster acceptance and appreciation of diversity within our community
Educational excellence and equity for every student.
• Professional learning for connecting with all students, including equity, dialogue,
personalized learning, engagement, and diversity.
• Maintain a robust Multi-Tiered System of Support to meet the needs of ALL
• Provide academic opportunities and partnerships, including special education,
future-ready, English language learners, and talented and gifted.
Strengthen communication and stakeholder partnerships.
• Support proactive, transparent, and honest communication to foster trust and
• Establish and maintain strong partnerships among students, families, and staff.
• Be approachable and act with integrity to address stakeholder questions, issues,
and suggestions.
• Effectively communicate with all stakeholders.
Fiscal Responsibility
• Continuous attention to student programs and opportunities, especially supporting
innovative, growing, and flourishing ones.
• A long-range financial plan for projecting revenues and expenditures for the
district to remain financially stable.
• Modernize facilities and communication infrastructure to ensure safety for the
staff, students, and community members who use our facilities.
Personalized Learning
HCSD recognizes that students learn at different rates and through different
instructional approaches. Teachers strive to provide learners with meaningful,
authentic, and rigorous instruction while allowing them to have a voice and choice
to demonstrate learning. A combination of targeted instruction and student
reflection and ownership ensures students receive a more customized approach that
taps into their strengths and unique learning styles.
1 To 1 Computing
HCSD has been committed to 1:1 computing for many years. Each student in
grades 5-12 is issued a personal Chromebook device. Grades PK-4 use a
combination of iPads and Chromebooks. Utilizing technology is a powerful way to
extend learning. Students can select technology tools to help them obtain and
analyze information. They can use a variety of ways to demonstrate their
Teacher Leadership
HCSD and Twin Rivers (consortium) were among the first wave of schools to
launch local teacher leadership plans through the Teacher Leadership and
Compensation (TLC) System. This effort is to tap into top teacher leaders’
expertise to assist their peers in improving classroom instruction and raising
student achievement.
Goals are:
• Attract and retain effective teachers by providing quality mentoring, coaching,
team collaboration, and other enhanced career opportunities.
• Enhance the collective efficacy of teachers to impact student learning of grade-
level standards through mentoring, coaching, and collaboration.
• Provide multiple roles that have clearly defined responsibilities aligned to a
specific teacher and student outcomes and offer a clear path of leadership
opportunities that are compensated based on a range of teacher leadership
• Improve student achievement by strengthening instruction that ensures all
students have equal access to grade-level standards through a robust Multi-Tiered
System of Support.
New Teacher Support
Attracting and retaining top teachers new to the profession is one of HCSD’s
priorities. New teachers thrive in a school environment focused on reflection,
feedback, and encouragement. Teachers in their first two years of teaching
regularly collaborate with an induction coach and mentor. Both teacher and mentor
are focused on improving instruction and increasing student achievement.
Mease and Taft Elementary Schools
Preschool and kindergarten students attend Mease Elementary School. Taft
Elementary School, recognized as a National Blue Ribbon School, houses first
through fourth grades. Highly qualified preschool staff aligns their Creative
Curriculum with the Iowa Learning Standards and the Quality Preschool Program Standards.
Preschool students receive developmentally appropriate instruction that
fosters social/ emotional, physical, cognitive, and language development and
enhance literacy, math, science, social studies, the arts, and technology.
Preschool staff utilizes the GOLD program to assess students on 38 research-based
objectives and designs ways to provide necessary supports for all students.
Kindergarten through fourth grade teachers develop and analyze lessons as they
focus on implementing the essential skills and concepts from the Iowa Core. They
support their students’ literacy development. Teachers utilize assessment data to
establish small, flexible groups to provide intervention where needed. The
elementary math curriculum uses the problem-solving approach and emphasizes
analytical thinking with a strong number sense. Teachers utilize an inquiry
approach to engage learners in Social Studies and Science. Elementary students
receive supports through the Extended Learning Program, English Language
Learner, and Special Education Programs.
Wellness is emphasized in physical education and an appreciation of the fine arts
through music and art. Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) is
implemented at both elementary schools. There are common expectations for
classroom, lunchroom, restroom, playground, hallway, and bus behaviors. Students
modeling appropriate behaviors are recognized and celebrated. The school-wide
PBIS Matrix C-A-T-S is displayed throughout the buildings. C-Care about yourself
and others. A-Act responsibility. T-Try your best. S-Stay positive.
Humboldt Middle School
Grades 5-8 are housed at the Humboldt Middle School, which was constructed in 2012
The building has many aspects to accommodate 21st Century Learning, such
as a pods design for the 7-8 and 5-6 wings of the building to provide collaborative
learning. Teachers trained in middle school concepts have an excellent grasp of
effective teaching strategies and help students reach their learning potentials.
Students receive an excellent preparation and exploration base for their continuing
education and developmental needs.
Students experience different exploratory classes in Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Math (STEM). Art, Health, and Agriculture. During “Prime
Time,” students are taught character lessons, get homework help, and enjoy
activities with peers. Seventh and eighth-grade students are active in sports, band,
and choir activities. New clubs form each year to keep students connected to the
school. Children Achieving Total Success (CATS) is a time to provide tailored
intervention to meet all students’ needs.
Humboldt Middle School offers Extended Learning, English Language, and
Special Education Programs to provide students with individualized instruction.
Each year middle school students participate in different community service
projects. Meals from the Heartland has been a long-term commitment. All students
take part in fundraising and packaging meals giving back to the community.
Students also help rake and clean debris up from city parks.
Humboldt High School
Humboldt High School has a history of high ratings with the Iowa School Report.
The board curriculum offerings prepare students for college and career exploration.
In addition to the core areas of English, Math, Science, and Social Studies, students
are offered PE, Computer Science, Art, Vocal Music, Instrumental Music, Spanish
and five different Career and Technical Education programs in Agriculture,
Industrial Arts, Business, Family and Consumer Science and Health Occupation.
Over 90 percent of seniors enroll in at least one college class before graduation. A
majority of the high school teachers have Master’s degrees. A strong partnership
with Iowa Central Community College allows instructors to travel to the high
school campus and teach courses. On average, students leave high school having
earned 14 college credits. The high school also offers multiple Advanced
Placement courses for students. Career guidance services and education
programming support are made available to all students.
The high school also provides additional support such as the Extended Learning,
Special Education, and English Language Learner Programs. The high school
offers an Alternative Learning Program for the Humboldt Area (ALPHA), where
student credit recovery options are available. Students can participate in 15
different extracurricular activities and organizations. Multiple activity involvement
is encouraged. Over 80 percent of the high school students are involved in at least
one activity. Marching band, concert band, and concert chorale have earned
Division 1 ratings over the past several years. Speech, clubs, and athletics have
received state and national recognition. Humboldt students have won the North
Central Conference All-Sports points race several years in a row.
Your Future Is The District’s Purpose
Based on strong financial indicators, the district has a facility plan to meet the
students’ needs for years to come. Through the school Infrastructure Local Option
Sales Tax, community support has facilitated updating our facilities, transportation
fleet, and technology needs for the 21st Century. The community’s generosity
continues to allow updates such as the all-weather running track, weight room,
multipurpose area, musical instruments, and much more. The district will continue
to provide a wide variety of opportunities that prepare students for college and
career success while ensuring a culture of excellence for every learner.