Humboldt and Twin Rivers will be two hours late on Wednesday, February 19th due to the extreme cold. Dismissal will be at 3:15.

Educational Foundation

The Humboldt Community School Educational Foundation is a community-based organization incorporated for the following purposes:

  1. To maintain, develop, increase and extend the facilities, services resource of the Humboldt Community School District, and to provide broader educational service opportunities to its students, staff, faculty and the residents of the geographical areas which it serves;
  2. To solicit and receive by gift, grant, devise, or bequest, and to acquire by purchase, lease, exchange or otherwise, property, both real and personal, either as absolute owner or as trustee thereof; and to manage and administer the same;
  3. To make contributions, grants, gifts and transfers of property, both real and personal, either outright or in trust, to or for the benefit for the Humboldt Community School District, which are tax-exempt organizations.

The Educational Foundation maintains a Wall of Support at the High School in recognition of those who have provided needed support to the district through contributions made to the foundation. Contributions have been used to support numerous scholarships and academic programs, most recently the reading initiatives at all buildings.

Current Members of the Humboldt Community School Educational Foundation

President, Ashley Emick
Vice President, Andy Lemmenes
Secretary, Susan Hett
Treasurer, Amy Donahe
School representative, Jim Murray
School Board representative, Bob Myott
Scott Curran
Greg Stoebe
Jeff Goodell
Corey Matson         
Rob Dickey
Aaron Olson

Contact Person

Ashley Emick,