High School May 8th 2023 announcements
● High School Activities
o Monday, May 8
● Girls Golf NCC tournament @ Mason City Legacy Golf Courst at the 19 10:00
● Boys Golf NCC tournament @ Spring Valley 10:00
● Boys Varsity Soccer @ home vs Jowa Falls-Alden 5:00
● Girls Soccer @ Iowa Falls-Alden, Varsity 5:30, JV 7:30
o Tuesday, May 9
● Boys golf sectionals @ Spencer Country Club
● Girls Varsity Soccer @ East Sac County 4:45
● Boys Varsity Soccer @ East Sac County 6:15
o Wednesday, May 10
● Rotary Top 20 Banquet 6:00
o Thursday, May 11
● Girls Track @ Nevada 4:00
● Boys Track @ Nevada 4:00
● Boys Soccer @ home vs Garner-Hayfield5:00
● Girls Varsity Soccer @ Garner-Hayfiesd 5:30
o Friday, May 12
● Girls Golf @ Ft. Dodge Country Club 10:00
● Girls Varsity Soccer @home vs Clear Lake 5:00
The Humboldt County Fair invites girls ages 16-21 to participate in the Queen contest. Please submit the Contest
Form by midnight on June 18th, 2023. A meeting with the 2022 fair queen will be held during CATS in Mrs.
Newton’s room 23 TODAY to answer any and all questions. Hope to see you there!
There will be a brief GBB meeting after school on Wednesday in Mr. Mooney’s room. Please see Mr. Mooney
this week if you can’t be there.
Yearbook applications are available on the table in front of the office. Applications are due Friday, May 12th to
Mrs. K in room 20.
● Humboldt will be competing at the 3A Co-Ed State Qualifying Track Meet on Thursday, May 11 @ Nevada. Field
Events start at 4:00 PM. Other schools attending are: Algona, Clear Lake, Gilbert, Hampton-Dumont/CAL,
Nevada, North Polk and Webster City. Ticket info will be found on our school calendar (rSchool) when available.
The Co-Ed State Track Meet is Thursday, May 18th through Saturday, May 20th. 3A will be competing in the
afternoons on May 18 and 19 starting at 2:00 PM.
Seniors: All library books are due back May 12th. Thank you!
There will be a football meeting Wednesday, May 17th at 7:00 pm in the auditorium for all players interested in
playing football next fall. We will go over expectations, strength training, and important summer dates,
Parents are also encouraged to attend.
Silver Cord Opportunity- Humota Theater will again be holding their annual family fun day on June 17th, in the
afternoon. We are looking for volunteers to help with games, concessions, etc. Please contact Stacey Origer
515-890-9028 with questions or to sign up. We appreciate the students and athletes who helped last year to
make this day successful. We are looking forward to working with you again this year.
● State Track May 18-20-State Track Ticket Info — Online Ticketing – All tickets to the state qualifying and state
meet will be sold through Hometown Ticketing. Qualifying meet tickets will go on sale on Monday, May 8. State
meet tickets will go on Monday, May 15. Please share this link with your athletes and their families to help direct
them to the correct place on the IHSAA web site: https://www.iahsaa.org/tickets/
● The yearbook is almost sold out. We pre-purchase a certain number of copies. It sold out last year- don’t miss
your chance to get one. Order yours today with this link. Current price is $50
● Sara Scharf from ICCC will be at the high school 12:30-2:30 on May 9. Sara will assist students with any questions
they may have regarding enrolling for classes, FAFSA etc.
● Click on the following link for scholarship opportunities. Scholarships This link will be updated as additional
scholarship opportunities are available.
● CATS Time-students should select their CATs for Monday on Friday and select Thursday’s CATS on Wednesday.
They shouldn’t choose for Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Fridays. Seniors have open campus during CATS—unless a
teacher has selected you to be in their CATS, then you must report to that teacher.
● Wildcat Warrior’s Game Club will meet every Monday in the media center from 3:30-5:30. Dungeons and
Dragons, Ticket to Ride, Settlers of Catan, RoboRally, Splendor and many more…Bring a new game to teach or
come and learn a new game.
● Menu choices can be found at the following link: https://lookup.nutrislice.com/en/