Humboldt and Twin Rivers will be two hours late on Wednesday, February 19th due to the extreme cold. Dismissal will be at 3:15.

Humboldt Middle School 05-23-24

District website:
Thursday, May 23, 2024

HOT LUNCH CHOICES: chicken nuggets, pig in a blanket, peanut butter and jelly sandwich,
side is French fries
Lunch menu LINK
Activity calendar LINK
Digital Backpack: LINK

  1. All PE lockers have been cleaned out. There is a multitude of clothing items in the
    PE hallway that are unclaimed. Please look on the tables and take home your
  2. If you did not return you PE lock, you will be billed for the replacement.
  3. Eighth graders – if you were unable to attend the cross country meeting yesterday, stop in
    the office for the information.
  4. 5-12 summer band lesson and parade information can be found at the following
  5. Please continue to check Infinite Campus parent portal for fees and fines that are due.
    We hope to have all fines posted by the end of the day on May 28. Payment can be
    made online or mailed/brought to the middle school office before June 4th.
  6. Today is the last day for the Bode/Livermore activity bus.
  7. Tomorrow (24th) is the last day of school and will be dismissing at 1:22.

F.U.E.L. will be open throughout the summer. See the attachment for the
PARENTS: Humboldt Athletic Booster Club is sponsoring its 2nd Annual Wildcat Tailgate
Giveaway Friday June 7th between the JV and Varsity Softball games. Raffle tickets are $100. Fill
out this form to reserve your raffle ticket today and send your venmo payment OR raffle tickets
will be for sale through any booster club member after May 2nd. Cash prize: 1-$10,000 GRAND
PRIZE 1-$5,000 prize 5-$1,000-Prizes. All proceeds go toward our continuing support of
Humboldt student athletes at HHS. GO CATS!

Please stand and face the flag while we recite the Pledge of Allegiance. “I pledge allegiance
to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it
stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”