Humboldt Middle School 9-14-23

Humboldt Middle School Announcements
Thursday, September 14, 2023
B Day – Day 2 7/8 band lessons

HOT LUNCH CHOICES: Chicken Nachos with white queso, Italian calzone, BLTE salad, sides
salad and Texas pintos.
Lunch menu LINK

1. Good luck to middle school cross country at Clear Lake, dismiss at 2:00, bus leaves at
2:10, meet starts at 4:15 (Clear Lake – All Vets Golf Course); 8th volleyball plays at
Hampton, dismiss at 2:20, bus leaves at 2:30, match starts at 4:15 at Hampton, 7th
volleyball plays Hampton here at 4:15 in the middle school gym. All buses leave from the
bus circle in front of the school.

2. Special Olympics clothing can be ordered online: LINK

3. Reminder: Homecoming shirt orders are due today. We will not be able to take late
orders. Order yours today with the following
Don,t forget to use the drop-down menu to select which building your student is in so we
can get shirts sent home with kids before Homecoming Friday. 

4. No School Monday, September 18.

5. 5th grade letters for band: everyone completes the band letter response w/returned torn
off letter section OR online form:
5th grade Band Night: today 4-7 drop in. Online instrument
rental: If completed, attendance at Band Night
is optional.

6. PBIS incentive this week is a prime time challenge. CAT cards will be picked up at the
end of 8 th period today. The prime time in each grade level with the highest average of
cat cards will win an incentive to be announced Friday.

7. Do you have a September birthday? If so, on Friday we invite you to sit at a special table
during your lunch to be recognized and celebrated!

8. Seventh and eighth graders did you know you can take the test to get your driver’s
permit here at school?  You can take it within 30 days of your 14th birthday.  Let the
Counselor, Mrs. Smith know if you would like to set up a time.

9. Due to no school on Monday, cross country runners will need to be at Sheldon
park by 3:30 for the meet.  There will be practice Friday after school.

Please stand and face the flag while we recite the Pledge of Allegiance. ” I pledge allegiance
to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it
stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

PARENTS: You will receive an email from Midwest Portraits on September 21 st so you can view
and order school pictures. If your child needs retakes or was absent on September 12, please
let the school office know by contacting Darlene Smith at