Humboldt Middle School 02-28-24
Humboldt Middle School Announcements
District website:
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
B Day
Day 2 7/8 band, Watermelon lessons
HOT LUNCH CHOICES: chicken patty sandwich, meatloaf or Cobb salad, side mashed
potatoes and green beans
Lunch menu LINK
Activity calendar LINK
- Tomorrow is the last day to order music shirts LINK. Help support the Humboldt
Music Program and get an awesome t-shirt. - Brave Bags clothing order deadline is March 7th LINK . Brave Bags is a 501c3
nonprofit organization dedicated to creating care packages for hospitalized children
in Iowa. These packages contain various items such as socks, lotion, small toys,
coloring/art supplies, and more! - Seventh grade boys will turn in uniforms and have a pizza party in Mr. Johnson’s
room after school on Thursday until 5:15. If you can’t make it, please find a time to
get your jersey turned in before or after school. - There will be a moped safety class on March 9, 2024 offered by Driver School of
Driving. Students must be 13 to register for the course. If your child is planning on
driving a moped when they turn 14 this course will fulfill
the moped safety requirement needed to do so. This course begins with a zoom
session @ 8:00 am. Zoom link will be sent out prior to the start of the class (Typically
within a few days of the start date) If you have any questions please
email Note: In order to legally drive a moped in
Iowa a student must be 14 years old and possess an instructional permit, have taken
a moped safety course, and have added the moped endorsement/certification to their
existing permit/instructional permit when they turn 14.For more information on the
course and online registration click link below:
Please stand and face the flag while we recite the Pledge of Allegiance. “I pledge allegiance
to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it
stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”