New Student Information
Welcome to Humboldt Community School! We are glad you are considering joining the Wildcat Family. Humboldt Schools is one of the schools in the state that has been recognized as a high performing school across time. We have a professionally motivated, expert staff that cares for and challenges each and every student every day to perform at their best. Please click on the building link to determine what registration paperwork and materials you will ed to gather to ensure an expedient enrollment!
If you plan to enroll at our high school, you will want to call and make an appointment to meet with a counselor to discuss enrollment options. At that meeting, you will need to provide the following:
- A copy of your student’s current grades from his/her previous school
- A copy of your student’s transcript listing all credit awarded by all previous schools
- attended
- A copy of the “Course Description Guide” from the previous school(s)
- If a student receives Special Education services, a copy of the current IEP with teacher updates, IEP Evaluation, IEP Permission for Placement
- Up-to-date immunization information
- Proof of residency in Humboldt