Humboldt and Twin Rivers will be two hours late on Wednesday, February 19th due to the extreme cold. Dismissal will be at 3:15.

Responsibility of Parents

Parent cooperation is essential to the well being of a student on the bus as well as in the classroom.  Parents should meet the following obligations:

  1. Parents should provide the necessary protection for students traveling to and from the bus stop during times of inclement weather.
  2. Parents should assume joint responsibility with school authorities for the proper conduct of students.
  3. Parents should explain the bus rules and regulations to their children so that both parents and student understand the rules.
  4. Parents should provide transportation to the school for a student who is suspended from riding the bus.
  5. Parents should instruct their children on what to do if the bus is missed.

Bus Rider Responsibilities

A. Prior To Loading

  1. Dress for the weather and time of day. If it is rainy or dark, and visibility is poor, wear a raincoat or brightly colored clothing with reflective material. Start extra early, walk carefully, and stay alert
  2. Be on time. Plan to be at the bus stop five (5) minutes before the bus will arrive. Other people are waiting on the bus and the bus driver cannot wait for you. The driver will not wait or honk. If a bus were to wait one (one) minute at each stop for students who are running late, the route would be lengthened by up to 30 minutes.
  3. At the bus stop, wait away from the edge of the road so you won’t get hurt.

B. Loading the Bus

  1. Line up. Let the bus come to a full stop and wait for the driver to signal for you to proceed.
  2. Do not push or shove.
  3. Use the handrail in the bus as you enter.
  4. Sit down as quickly as possible. The bus cannot move until all students are seated.

C. Riding on the Bus

  1. Follow all directions the first time they are given by the driver. The driver is in no position to negotiate for your cooperation while operating a motor vehicle.
  2. Be courteous to fellow students, the driver and all school personnel.
  3. Stay seated on the bus with feet on the floor. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself, and keep the aisles clear. Do NOT leave your seat while the bus is in motion. Your chance of injury increases dramatically once you leave the safety zone provided by your seat.
  4. You may talk quietly with your neighbors as long as your language, volume, and/or gestures do not become offensive or distracting to others.
  5. Your belongings may not be left in the aisles of the bus.
  6. All of your body parts, belongings, and other materials must remain in the bus even when it is stopped.
  7. Alcoholic beverages, matches, cigarette lighters, tobacco products, weapons, and drugs are prohibited.
  8. Food and drink may be allowed at the discretion of the driver providing that the cleanliness of the bus does not suffer.
  9. Horseplay, scuffling, or fighting is not permitted around or on the bus.
  10. Do not throw objects inside the bus or out of the bus.
  11. Do not tamper with bus equipment.
  12. Damage to seats or other bus components must be paid for by the offender.
  13. In an emergency, students are to remain on the bus unless otherwise instructed by the driver.

D. Departing the Bus

  1. Be ready to depart the bus when it arrives at your stop. It is rude to keep other students and motorists waiting while you gather your belongings.
  2. Remain seated until the bus is stopped.
  3. Use the handrail as you exit the bus.
  4. You must have a note signed by a responsible adult to get off the bus at a stop other than your normal stop. Give this to the driver when you get on the bus.
  5. Check with the driver before crossing the road.
  6. ALWAYS cross in FRONT of the bus. Other motorists do not expect you to appear from behind the bus.

E. Accidents or Emergencies

  1. Follow the driver’s instructions.
  2. If instructed to do so, leave the bus in a single-file line as quietly as possible. Leave books, coats, etc. in your seat.
  3. Once outside the bus, gather in a safe area and follow the driver’s instructions.

F. Extra-Curricular Trips

  1. Bus rider rules apply to all school-sponsored events.
  2. The students are responsible for seeing that the bus is clean after the trip.

G. Discipline

  1. For minor violations of the rules, students will initially be given verbal warnings or reminders.
  2. For more serious violations or after repeated verbal warnings, a written warning will be mailed home and a copy will be sent to the student’s building principal.
  3. Students will be suspended from riding the bus for one to five days if the same behavior continues after the written warning, if damage is done to the bus, or if the driver feels that the students have put others at risk by his or her behavior.
  4. For the most serious violations that put the safety of other students and/or motorists at risk, the student will be suspended from riding until school officials meet with the student and his or her parents or guardians and proper corrective measures have been implemented.
  5. While on the bus, the driver is in charge of student behavior. The driver reports to the Director of Transportation who handles disciplinary procedures.

Seat belt policy