Humboldt and Twin Rivers will be two hours late on Wednesday, February 19th due to the extreme cold. Dismissal will be at 3:15.

Staff Directory

Showing staff members by last name starting with "P"      Clear Results
Leonardo Pacheco

Leonardo Pacheco

Custodian Humboldt High School, Humboldt Middle School
Morgan Parle

Morgan Parle

4th Grade Teacher 515-332-3216 Taft Elementary
Laura Paterson

Laura Paterson

MS Band Teacher 515-332-2812 Humboldt Middle School
Andrea Paterson

Andrea Paterson

3rd Grade Teacher 515-332-3216 Taft Elementary
Molly Peaton

Molly Peaton

Custodian 515-332-3216 Mease Elementary
Christine Pedersen

Christine Pedersen

Bus Driver Administrative Office
Trina Pederson

Trina Pederson

Taft Paraeducator 515-332-3216 Taft Elementary
Hunter Pederson

Hunter Pederson

Taft Elementary Paraeducator 515-332-3216 Taft Elementary
Adriana Perez Felix

Adriana Perez Felix

Custodian Humboldt Middle School
Emily Peterson

Emily Peterson

MS Special Education Teacher 515-332-2812 Humboldt Middle School